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When Do You Need To Call In A Roofing Contractor Pro?


Is your roof beginning to show its age? Are you starting to see signs of weather damage and wondering whether it might be time to hire a roofing contractor? Before you start to panic and worry over the thousands of dollars a new roof might cost, it is imperative you understand whether your roof truly does need replacing or not.


If the following warning signs are present, it might indeed be time to replace your roof:


Shoddy Shingles


If the shingles on your roof are beginning to look cracked and dry, it is time to consider a new roof. There are a host of new shingle options available to today’s homeowner; a contractor like Sela Roofing can advise you as to which roofs are best for your house type and the Minnesota weather.


Light in Attic Crawl Space


If you peek your head into your attic crawl space and notice light coming through from your roof, it is time for a roof upgrade. Heat loss through a worn out roof can have a huge impact on your yearly utility costs. Make sure your roof is completely impervious to sunlight and moisture to ensure you are not providing a perfect breeding ground for mold, insects, and small rodents.


Moss Garden


If your roof is starting to look like you have a rooftop garden instead of a standard shingle roof, it is time to call in the pros. Too much moss growth on your roof can lead to rot issues and interior water damage. Keep the moss in your garden and not on your home’s roof.


If any of these roof problems are present, please give us a call us for a free estimate to help you better access the state of your home’s most important feature. Without a properly maintained roof, everything from your walls to your electrical wiring can be at risk. Postponing roofing repairs can end up being a costly mistake in the long-run.


Take a chance to assess where your roof stands this fall so you can go into winter without worries!
