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Do I Need A New Roof?


As important as the roof is to our house, we need to pay special attention to it as it starts to age. But, how do we tell when it is maybe time to have a professional inspect it for replacement. Below are some tips to help you decide.


1. Have you now, or in the past found shingles or pieces of shingle in your yard. A good strong wind can pull whole shingles, or parts of the shingle, loose from the roof. If in the past after any wind storms, you found these in your yard, it is a sign that your roof needs to be inspected.

2. Water spots on the ceiling in your house. This is a tell tale sign that your roof is leaking and needs repair or replacing.

3. Discoloration on the roof. From the ground can you see spots on your roof that seem to be discolored or look different than the rest of the roof.

4. Buckling shingles

5. Rotting shingles.

6. Consider the age of your roof. The average life of a roof is 20 years. If you area at 20 or more years, have your roof inspected by a professional.

7. What are your plans for the future? Are you going to be selling in the near future? Having a new roof on the house will be a big plus for a potential buyer.

With these simple inspections, you will haveĀ  a good idea if it is time to be considering a new roof. If you are suspicious at all that your roof may be going bad, call us and we will be happy to come inspect your roof.
